Filioque English (39): the AntiChrist, vanity and the meaning of Lucifer crushing (2/2)

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March, 15th 2023 – Father Elias Leyds c.s.j. describes the difference between Satan (a killer, the opposer, the divider) and the transformation into lucifer who acts like a ‘gentle forgiver’ a ‘false unifier’.

The demon sees his end coming and hates men, who’s love destroy his plot.

Vanity is the ultimate consequence of sin. Vain people are blind for what is going on, which is both tragic and terrible. They are blinded by their own vanity.

Satan’s first or original sin is that he watned to include God in his own wisdom. He wants to be hype-inclusive. including God in his own wisdom, without going outside himself.


Keywords:  | AntiChrist | Blindness by vanity | Discernment | FilioQue 39 English |  | Fr.Elias Leyds c.s.j. | Inclusiveness | Lucifer | Origin of darkness | Pater Elias Leyds c.s.j. | Satan | 

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