FilioQue English (48) the war for reality #5 – Can we be forced to adore? @PaterElias

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Adoration is the summit of human existence

Oktober, 7nd 2023 – Father Elias Leyds C.S.J. started a couple of weeks ago in FilioQue in English another collection of short reflections on the topic of ‘fighting for reality’, or ’the war for reality’. He uses again realism and helps us to understand why religion or being religious, one of the virtues of life is what we need, to give meaning to reality and to reach our goals, our purpose in life. So the question remains: what does it take to live the virtue of religion again?

In the previous sessions Father Elias Leyds c.s.j. introduced Adoration as a fundamental act of religious life. Now he entertains the questions: Can we be forced to adore, and if we do not adore, should we be punished for not doing so?

Adoration out of free will is an act of justice. It defines an obligation of paying respect to the One, who is. It is a necessity of life, of existence itself.

Father Elias explains that you can not be forced to adore, because adoration is too much the summit of human existence and it is between you and God. It is an act of free will united to free intelligence and a body that obeyes to the soul.

i.e. if you do not adore, something in you will force you to adore. If we do not adore we are not one, and might become split personalities.    

Not to adore God by free will, means that something in you will force you to adore something else. It might be yoour ideas, your body or your ego. something in us is to radical to be ignored, so it is either God or nothing, or the ego. 

To make God the aim of your life, to return to him, is the deepest thing you can do in this world. And doing so we will also find the means to return, in our discovery of God. So you will punish yourself if you don’t adore. Lack of adoration will potentially cause your personality to split. Body, Vanity, Bodily pleasures, Sex, eating, false adoration of power … biti for bit it will destroy your personality.

Note: God always forgives, men sometimes and Nature will never forgive…


Do you want to watch the complete series of the ‘War for reality‘ so far? Click here.   

Do you want to read of hear more about the ‘search of meaning? Click here.


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