FilioQue English (34): dear militant Catholics, stop giving credit to Vladimir ‘Feliksovitch’ Putin.

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In some Catholic media outlets, especially the more determined ones like LifeSiteNews & The Remnant, credit is given to Putin for defending tradition and Christian values, and for rightly criticising the ‘west’.

Father Elias Leyds c.s.j. does not question their good intentions, but it’s a grave mistake which needs to be corrected.

“Do not be mistaken about the fatherhood he issues from …”.

“The Ukranians have suffered the unimaginable during the past century. Now they are doing the impossible. And we owe them at least our admiration for that.”

In a next video Father Elias will address the Russians, and try to track down the root causes of their apocalyptic history, and their fatalism which causes so many others to suffer.


Keywords: Capacity to make free choices |  Church of Moscow | Communism | Critical intelligence | Feliks Dzerzjinski |FilioQue in English | Fr.Elias Leyds c.s.j. | Inclusiveness | Invasion of Russia in the Ukraine | Islamic (French) revolution | KGB FSB | LifeSite news | Loebjanka | Logos | Meaning of reality | Patriarch of Moscow |  Poetin | Reason | Responsibility | Roman Catholics | Rome | Russia | Russian-Orthodox church | Search of the soul | Secret services | Sovjet Union | Special Services | Spread of lies |  The good fight | The Remnant | Thoughts F.Elias Leyds c.s.j.| Tjeka | Truth | Truthful criticism | Ukraine | Vladimir Putin |


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