FilioQue English (51) the war for reality #8 adoration step 2, the second moment of religion: just simply adore! @PaterElias

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How to verify the virtue of religion in our acts of adoration (2): just simply adore!

Oktober, 16nd 2023 – While the war for reality is raging around us, father Elias Leyds C.S.J. started a couple of weeks ago in FilioQue in English, a collection of short reflections on the topic of ‘that religious fight‘. 

We have seen as step 1, to go to a sacred place. And when we are there we have to adore, to recognize that we don’t know Him really. We make ourself small, we take the greatest act of humility … We show physically with our body what we feel …

What do we know and what we cannot know?  

By adoring regularly we know only recognize the absolute supremavy of god but we also appreciate the fact that we depend on Him, He created us, and we acknowledge God. The beginning of new, ultimately meaningful life. We can reflect on our existence.

What is then the source of an attitude of wondering? 

Why is it important to realise the reality that he is different, transcendent, above us and we are dependent of Him.

Why is it important to ‘discover St.John in the desert? 


Father Elias is again and again using realism to help us understand why religion or being religious, one of the virtues of life, is what we need, to give meaning and to reach our goals, our purpose in life. So the question remains: what does it take to live the virtue of religion? Father Elias gave us a good direction in how to test or qualify our deeds of adoration.

There are five 5 ‘steps of verification’ to test and purify our religious life, in the moments of adoration. It gives us a guide towards a real authentic religious life

1. Movement – go to a special place, a sacred place specially prepared for the Lord

2. Adoration – really adore the One who is, and who always shall be

3. Offer a sacrifice

4. Mediation – Reflect on the good things revceived and / or the good people you have met which you want to transmit to others..

5. Decide on an action, how to respond to God to answer his call  


Do you want to watch the complete series of the ‘War for reality‘ so far? Click here.   


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