VitaDonum (English) (5) – Steven W. Mosher: Horrific first-hand account of the disastrous consequences of population control in China (1960-2016)

HomeFr.Elias Leyds c.s.j.VitaDonum (English) (5) - Steven W. Mosher: Horrific first-hand account of the...

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Episode 5 contains a 35 minute interview of Father Elias Leyds c.s.j. with Steven W. Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute ( 

VitaDonum a program series about marriage and the family, about fertility and life’s ending.

Steven lived for 10 years in Asia, including China. He speaks and reads Chinese and Mandarin. He is also on the board of directors of the JAHLF (The new John Paul II Academy For Human Life and the family

Steven talks about:

  • Killing of 400 million unborn children in China
  • 1960-1962 worst famine in human history
  • The ultimate resource in the world is the human person
  • A large percentage of men in Chinese society became ‘bare banches’ creating a socially destabilizing situation: alternative families are sought: gangs, army a.o.; alternative father figures; Sex trafficking (human trafficking with young women from neighbouring countries)

The new JOHN PAUL II ACADEMY FOR HUMAN LIFE AND THE FAMILY ( was founded In October 2017, to serve the same goals as the original Pontifical Academy for Life, founded by Saint Pope John-Paul II for the interdisciplinary study and defense of human life in all its stages, from conception to death


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