VitaDonum (8) (English) – Gabriele Kuby on sexual revolution and threats the family

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VitaDonum (8) (English) – Gabriele Kuby on sexual revolution and threats to marriage and the family @GabrieleKuby

In the english version of the series VitaDonum father Elias Leyds c.s.j. is interviewing Gabriele Kuby. She is a German author and international speaker on matters concerning Catholic spiritual life and the role of Christians in the modern world.

She studied sociology in the late 1960’s at the Free University of Berlin and Konstanz where she obtained a Masters degree. For twenty years she worked as a translator and interpreter. 

After het conversion to the catholic faith (1997) she became acutely aware of contemporary ideologies, which destroy the family and the human diginity in transmitting life – and which ultimately obstruct the way towards God. 

So far she has published twelve books. Her analysis “The Global sexual revolution – destruction of freedom in the name of Freedom” has been translated into eleven languages. Pope Benedict XVI has called het’a brave warrior against ideologies that ultimately result in the destruction on Man”

In this episode Father Elias converses with Mrs.Kuby about her book ‘The Abandoned  Generation‘ a.o.  

In order to go directly to the various parts of the interview click links below  

1:39 Start of the interview

3:01 Mrs Kuby’s personal introduction and her path towards conversion in the Catholic church in 1997

5:29 Personal experience with the sexual revolution as a student in Berlin and the notions of Wilhem Reich, a marxist and pupil of  Sigmund Freud, who used sexuality for specific political purposes

7:15 Civil marriage (1977), three children, a divorce and a surprising encounter with a neighbour offering her to pray the Novena

9:36  Assignment with publishing company Bertelsmann to write her first book about Mary apparitions, which turned out to be a huge success: ‘My path to Mary: from the force Living Faith’

10:27 Awareness of the demoralizing impact of sexuality (2000), as a result of the 1968 movement, and seeing the the danger of it. Publication of first book against the genderrevolution (2006): “The gender revolution, relativism and action”.

11:34 William Reich, what were his motives for the sexual revolution he was propagating?

14:50 Clear signs of the Sexual revolution taking over Western society. The role of so called scientists preparing first examples of sexual education for young children forced by the state: professor Helmut Kentler (**) from Hannover University, who turned out to be a homosexual pedophile, and his ‘coachee’ professor Uwe Sielert, a sexual therapist from Kiel university.

18:17Demo für Alle‘, lead by Hedwig von Beverfoerde, is the organisation that is working hard for public wareness in Germany about the devastating sexual practices in schools and nurseries, and fights for the protection of the so called ‘abandoned generation’ as a result of the sexual revolution, that is still engrained in national and European policies, including United nations/Unesco.   

19:06 More about the latest book: ’the abandoned generation’.  The importance of time,  attention and care of the mother for their children in their upbringing, especially when they start to learn to speak?

23:24 Language development: Influence of personal attention to the Child of mother versus personal attention of the caretakers in children homes.

29:48 State and development of sex education at schools, from nurseries to primary education. Disturbing practices, which did not seem to get any resistance from the parents. Unawareness of just lack of discernment to protect their children.

37:05 The startling absence of church authorities in criticising or raising alarms about the practices in sex education with young children since the seventies, effecting human dignity and personal growth.

40:26 Looking ahead. What to do with the so-called ‘abandoned generation’ and what are the biggest challenges? What are the signs of hope?     


If you want to view more of the ‘VitaDonum english’ series? Click here, or use one of the other tags on top of this post.

If you want to read and view more on the author  ‘Gabriele Kuby‘?  Click here, or use one of the other tags on top or below in this post.

If you want to read and view more on the author  ‘Genderidiology‘? Click here, or use one of the other tags on top or below in this post.

**Do you want to see the special documentary (in German with subtitles for translation) on the investigation in the malpractices, child abuse of pedo-criminal networks in Germany, ‘Kentler-gate” ? Click here. (with thanks to

Further notes:

VitaDonum a program series about marriage and the family, about fertility and life’s ending.

About the new JOHN PAUL II ACADEMY FOR HUMAN LIFE AND THE FAMILY ( was founded In October 2017, to serve the same goals as the original Pontifical Academy for Life, founded by Saint Pope John-Paul II for the interdisciplinary study and defense of human life in all its stages, from conception to death


Raymond Arroyo ‘World Over’ series recently made a documentairy about worrysome developments with gender ideology also apparently taking over the big WaltDisney firm, which used to be the stable anchor for family and children. Click here to see the documentairy (d.d. 26/01/2023)   


Keywords: Catholic spiritual life | Conversion | Demo für Alle | Dignity of life | EWTN The World Over |  Free University of Berlin | Gabriele Kuby | Gender ideology | Gender revolution | Hedwig von Beverfoerde | Helmut Kentler | Humanae Vitae | John Paul II Academy for Human Life and the Family (JAHLF) | Pater Elias Leyds c.s.j. | Humanae Vitae | Human Dignity | Raymond Arroyo | Role of church authorities | Sex education | Sexual revolution | ‘The Abandoned Generation’ | Sigmund Freud |  Transgenderism | Uwe Sielert | VitaDonum English | Wilhem Reich |   

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