FilioQue English (15) – Russian anger (Part 2), why Russian-Orthodox Church cannot counter Putin/FSB

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Father Elias Leyds c.s.j. continues his English version of ‘FilioQue – the Catholic trademark’, using his methodology of following the anger. In a reaction to some comments he received on his last reflection, he deepens his reflection on the Russian anger. The war in the Ukraine makes these reflections particularly urgent.

Filioque is a series of programs treating subjects related to the dogma of the Filioque. It characterizes our Catholic faith and is crucial for understanding how and why the divine Logos, Word become flesh, as at the centre of Christian life in the world today. Father elias c.s.j. researches the cultural expressions of anger in order to find out what is the true thirst for justice in men?

While researching cultural expressions of anger, you can also find on the way a total lack of signs of anger. What does that mean? No thirst for justice or just total domination by a power which can not see the light of truth … Power reflected in violence, cruelty and sadism.

What does the absence of anger mean: a culture in decline, the beginning of complete chaos? A culture without aim, without direction. Violence, cruelty and sadism are caused by fear, self hate and cowardice, i.e. the incapacity to do something about it.

It is currently very hard to find expressions of anger in the Russian culture. You can not easily find people who can openly show their anger, but they are there.

So where are those people? Where do you find the simple guys who still have independent thoughts, independent from ‘Loebjanka’? What does that say about the Russian culture?


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