FilioQue English (21): Three contemplative moments of fatherhood.

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Fatherhood is marked by moments of seeing and making a choice … 

Father Elias Leyds c.s.j. continues his series ‘FilioQue – the Catholic trademark’.

In this video the father explores fatherhood, following two commentaries on the video of Jordan Peterson  (see FilioQue English (19))

Father Elias distinguishes three distinct moments of fatherhood in the live of every father, expressed in making a coice through seeing. To start of with seeing the woman, who will become the mother of your children till at the end seeing the son (or daughter) doing things which are a realization of the secrets the father has passed on. These ara all moments of amazement and deep thankfulness. 

We are able to transcend our virtues, ’transcend the metaphysics of our lives’, when, at the limits of our moral life, we manage to place our ‘suffering’ in God’s glory and thereby become capable of things that we did not think we were able to.

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is able, regardless of faiths, inspired by the Jungian psychoanalytic direction in his field of clinical psychology, among others, to give words to experiences, essences and challenges, which our search for truth, our religious sense, encounters…


Keywords: | Challenge | Father Elias Leyds c.s.j. | Fatherhood | FilioQue English | Foundations of the virtue of religion | Jordan Peterson | Natural religion | Natural Religiosity | Passing on a secret | Seeing the Bride | Seeing the face of the child | Seeing the father | Seeing the secret realized | Seeing the son realising the secret | Self-giving | Suffering | The fruit of trial | The religious Sense | Thoughts F.Elias Leyds c.s.j. | Transcending yourself | Virtue of religion | 


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