FilioQue English (40) – Intro: Aggiornamento or Appeasement? @PaterElias

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July, 20th 2023 – Father Elias Leyds c.s.j. starts a new chapter of short reflections on the world we are living in, both outside and inside the church. You need to have courage to be salt and light in this world. Isn’t it much easier to be friends with everybody in the spirit of brotherhood? The central vaticanum II theme of ‘Aggiornamento’, in the way the church interacts with the outside world, seems to be exchanged for ‘appeasement’. “Do not feed the Crocodile”, Churchill once said.   

In this first session Father Elias gives an overview of the three areas which are most effected by the ‘lack of clarity’ with reference to this ‘Aggiornamento’

  • Marriage the family and fertility
  • Religious freedom
  • Relationship with (the patriarchate of) Moscow      


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