FilioQue English (43) (3) Third sphere of appeasement: oecumenical relationships with Russian patriarchate/state @PaterElias

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August, 9th 2023 – Father Elias Leyds C.S.J. started in FilioQue in English a new chapter of short reflections on the world we are living in, both outside and inside the church. The theme of ‘Aggiornamento’, popular with the 2nd Vatican Council, seems to be exchanged for ‘Appeasement‘. An appeasement which harms the church and its doctrines, an example where Winston Churchill would say:  don’t feed the crocodile 

Father Elias has discussed three spheres of appeasement: (1) Marriage, family and fertility, (2) Religious freedom and (3) Ecumenical relations with the patriarchate of Moscow.

In this part he asks the question, whether there is any distinction between the Moscow church and the state of Russia. In 1943 the  Moscow patriarchate was refound to inspire the Russian people to serve in the war as servants of Russia, to sacrafice themselves. After the war the Patriarchate was used to play a diplomatic role. 

The fact that the Moscow patriarchate was invited to the Vatican II synode can be seen as an intollerable act of vanity, treacherous to the thousands of catholic martyrs that died for the church. Note that the Moscow representatives only came on the condition on the condition that communism was not criticised during the Second Vatican Council

What is needed to realize in the West, that the Russian-Orthodox church is still an instrument of the Russian state and the secret services? What will history tell about the current diplomatic movements of the Holy See? Wisdom or treacherous acts of vanity? 


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