FilioQue English (18) – The absence of anger in the West and why is Jordan Peterson so popular?

HomeFilioque in EnglishFilioQue English (18) - The absence of anger in the West and...

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Father Elias Leyds c.s.j. continues his English version of ‘FilioQue – the Catholic trademark’, using his methodology of following the anger. 

“Retrace the source of anger and you find the true thirst for justice in the soul” 

“Where is anger in western society, Europe and North America? Why can’t we find those expressions of anger? Does that mean we live in a perfect and fair society? Do we live in some sort of illusion of fairness? Or is it just indifference?” 

“Why do parents not revolt against moral education imposed by the state?”  

“Religion doesn’t cause wars, but wars caused religion”

“War as a collective expression of anger. This collective anger is at the gates of our existence”


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Keywords: | Abortion | Anger | Fair society | Fantasy | Follow the anger | Foundations of the virtue of religion | Genderideology | Illusion | Indifference | Jordan Peterson | Moral education | Natural religion | Sense of injustice | State ideology | The absolute | The religious sense | Thirs for justice | Thoughts F.Elias Leyds c.s.j. | Virtual reality |  Virtue of religion |   

