Thoughts F.Elias Leyds c.s.j.

Holy week thoughts (5): Good Friday, about the sixth seal in the Apocalypse (part 3) (English) – Fr.Elias Leyds c.s.j. (1958-2024)

Holy week thoughts (4): Holy Thursday – about the Sixth Seal in the Apocalypse (part2 – English) Father Elias Leyds c.s.j. (1958-2024)

Holy week thoughts (3) Wednesday: why the difference between ‘light’ and ‘darkness’ is not the same as the difference between ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’? (English)

Holy week thoughts (2): tuesday, about the sixth seal in the Apocalypse (part 1) (English)

Holy week thoughts (1): monday, our Lady & the Eucharist (English) @Paterelias

Fiducia Supplicans Pastoral theology, care with no soul (7)

Fiducia Supplicans: Wake of Deconstruction (6)

Fiducia Supplicans Controversy? What controversy? (5)

Fiducia Supplicans An epic passage between Scylla and Charybdis (4)

Fiducia Supplicans Blessing? What blessing? (3)

Ad Theologiam Promovendam Tradition? What tradition? (2)

Ad Theologiam Promovendam Theology. What Theology? (1)

Holy week thoughts (6): Silent Saturday, day of eternal simplicity (English ) final reflection

Filioque English (37): three wars that may be fruitful @PaterElias

FilioQue English (36): a minor contribution to the synodal path @PaterElias

FilioQue English (35): ‘I am non-binary too’, telling the truth in the church against all odds

FilioQue English (34): dear militant Catholics, stop giving credit to Vladimir ‘Feliksovitch’ Putin.

FilioQue English (33): foundering chapel on Mont Thabor with a rock-solid altar, a reminder of …?

Filioque English (32) – What actually is sin?

FilioQue English (31) – how to find meaning in a society that thinks it can do without God @AdamCurtisBlog @RossKemp

FilioQue English (30): Speak and my soul shall be healed

FilioQue English (29): The soul, intermediary between extremes

FilioQue English (28): Solitude & encounter

FilioQue English (27) – Initiation: before God can fill our emptiness we must first feel that emptiness…

FilioQue English (26): Initiation into a new life of ‘not knowing’ and incompleteness

Something new: FilioQue English (25) Life wisdom from the psalms – Psalm 136 for addicts

FilioQue English (24): why that name ‘Filioque – the Catholic trademark’?

FilioQue English (23): Jordan Peterson, on the threshold between faith & gnosis

FilioQue English (22): He sees the Father in the darkness

FilioQue English (21): Three contemplative moments of fatherhood.

FilioQue English (20) – Rescuing the father in the abyss by Jordan Peterson – what does this mean for fatherhood??

FilioQue English (19) – The Father & the abyss – response to an amazing reflection of Jordan Peterson

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