FilioQue English (33): foundering chapel on Mont Thabor with a rock-solid altar, a reminder of …?

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Fr Elias Leyds c.s.j. speaks this time about ‘rock-solidness’

Father Elias Leyds c.s.j. is once again at Mont Thabor in the French Alps. The chapel, where he often spent the night on mountain trips, is closed. The vestibule is subsiding. The ground has softened.

Only the altar, built on a rock, dating back to the Middle Ages is still firmly in place. Why does the sight of this dismal situation remind Father of today’s Church? But there is hope, as the altar will never sag.

What image gives the German synodal church which, while meeting, seems to have forgotten the altar. What similarity can be found in a Belgian church, where the Flemish bishops have just decided that “what is separate from God” can also be consecrated (Sept 2022) ….

When the foundations are demolished, things really start sagging, ‘beyond repair’, not worth repairing anymore. Inclusiveness breeds irrelevance and also ultimately makes one lose all respect.

If you shout so loudly that everyone should be able to belong, then the relevant question is whether you yourself really want to belong?

Aren’t you looking for something that is simultaneously compassionate, truthful but also demanding. Then, what you choose becomes distinctive and worth going for. It gives some comfort that the altar always remains on the rock.

It is important that we continue to truly understand that the church is built on a rock, a rock that is a mystery.

And even if we do not want to see that rock, that rock remains. Father hopes the church will become a place where you can also spend the night. Where precisely, in the darkness you know how to find a place.

That the church may be a place of light. The light that is Christ. That we continue to discover where the rock is, the unchanging rock. Where again and again the new comes from, as a source of energy and strength.

Keywords: Belgium bishops | Father Elias Leyds c.s.j. | FilioQue | German Bishops | Inclusiveness | Mont Thabor | Mystery | Rock | Thoughts F.Elias Leyds c.s.j. | Universal Church | Unity of the universal church |

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For a dutch version of this video see: FilioQue 110

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