Errors of Russia and the Filioque
Filioque English (37): three wars that may be fruitful @PaterElias
FilioQue English (34): dear militant Catholics, stop giving credit to Vladimir ‘Feliksovitch’ Putin.
FilioQue English (17) – After the loss of faith, hope is transformed into something monstrous …
FilioQue English (16) – Retracing the causes of anger – about anti-Semitism
FilioQue English (15) – Russian anger (Part 2), why Russian-Orthodox Church cannot counter Putin/FSB
FilioQue English (14) – Follow the anger of the Russians (Part 1)
FilioQue English (13) – Follow the anger … of the Ukranians
FilioQue in English (12) – What is the ‘katechon’? (for translation see automatic subtitling)
FilioQue English (11): the madhouse mirror
FilioQue English (10) a demonic icon (English episode)
FilioQue English (9) I am tired … (English episode)
FilioQue English (8) Invasion of Ukraine, follow the anger to find root causes (English episode)
FilioQue English (7) How the war in the Ukraine forces us to pray and reflect on the logos
Advent van dag tot dag (8) – Tweede zondag van de advent – Wildernis
5 dec 2021 – zondag van de tweede week van de Advent (Jaar C) aan...
Podcast #199: een oproep tot bekering in een tijd die veel lijkt op de onze – 2e zondag van de Advent (C)
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Adventskrans: oorsprong en betekenis
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Dagelijkse Adventsoverweging (Jaar C) – EWTN Lage Landen
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Pater Elias: Christus Koning, eenheid ten koste van de waarheid? Oss oktober 2022
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