Filioque in English

Holy week thoughts (5): Good Friday, about the sixth seal in the Apocalypse (part 3) (English) – Fr.Elias Leyds c.s.j. (1958-2024)

Holy week thoughts (4): Holy Thursday – about the Sixth Seal in the Apocalypse (part2 – English) Father Elias Leyds c.s.j. (1958-2024)

Holy week thoughts (3) Wednesday: why the difference between ‘light’ and ‘darkness’ is not the same as the difference between ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’? (English)

Holy week thoughts (2): tuesday, about the sixth seal in the Apocalypse (part 1) (English)

Holy week thoughts (1): monday, our Lady & the Eucharist (English) @Paterelias

Fiducia Supplicans Pastoral theology, care with no soul (7)

Fiducia Supplicans: Wake of Deconstruction (6)

Fiducia Supplicans Controversy? What controversy? (5)

Fiducia Supplicans An epic passage between Scylla and Charybdis (4)

Fiducia Supplicans Blessing? What blessing? (3)

Ad Theologiam Promovendam Tradition? What tradition? (2)

Ad Theologiam Promovendam Theology. What Theology? (1)

How do I anwer God truthfully? The final religious moment in the war for reality (11) – FilioQue English (54)

Look for the source of goodness – the war for reality – FilioQue English (53)

FilioQue English (52) the war for reality #9 adoration step 3: offer a sacrifice @PaterElias

FilioQue English (51) the war for reality #8 adoration step 2, the second moment of religion: just simply adore! @PaterElias

FilioQue English (50) the war for reality #7: adoration step 1 – go to a sacred place @PaterElias

FilioQue English (49) the war for reality #6 – Five moments of being true to God @PaterElias

FilioQue English (48) the war for reality #5 – Can we be forced to adore? @PaterElias

FilioQue English (47) the war for reality #4 – Religion is natural @PaterElias

FilioQue English (46) the war for reality #3 – Adore the Eternal with a still body and a silent soul @PaterElias

FilioQue English (45) the war for reality #2 – Call of duty: adore the Eternal @PaterElias

FilioQue English (44) the war for reality #1 – “It’s time to go over the top!” @PaterElias

FilioQue English (43) (3) Third sphere of appeasement: oecumenical relationships with Russian patriarchate/state @PaterElias

FilioQue English (42) (2) Second sphere of appeasement: so-called ‘freedom of religion’ @PaterElias

FilioQue English (41) (1) Appeasement with romantic sterility, marriage without procreation @PaterElias

FilioQue English (40) – Intro: Aggiornamento or Appeasement? @PaterElias

Holy week thoughts (6): Silent Saturday, day of eternal simplicity (English ) final reflection

Filioque English (39): the AntiChrist, vanity and the meaning of Lucifer crushing (2/2)

Filioque English (38): the AntiChrist 1 (of 2) – Lucifer crashing

Filioque English (37): three wars that may be fruitful @PaterElias

FilioQue English (36): a minor contribution to the synodal path @PaterElias

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